Business Matching

Meet Complementary Businesses

Create opportunities for yourself and your stakeholders. Generate quality leads and increase your bottom line by working with complementary businesses. Complementary Businesses enables you to serve more people at better margins.

Sort Through the Pile Quicker

The Chinese Enterprises Chamber of Commerce only accepts credible businesses as members. We help to filter out the noise and reduce the likelihood of dishonest business practices. Members receive discounts on other members’ services.

Address the Worker Shortage in Critical Industries

In today’s highly competitive world, many businesses ranging from restaurants to hospitals are facing severe worker shortages. Good workers leave for better companies and poor workers have to be retrained or fired.

The Chinese Enterprises Chamber of Commerce are in talks with the County of Los Angeles and several non-profit corporations to launch a training program for workers. This investment into our local talent will increase the supply of well-trained workers and boost the economy of the region.

The Chamber is also looking into available government credit, including Empowerment Zone Credit, Enterprise Zone Credit, Renewal Community Credit, and the Employee Retention Credit.

Become a Member Today to Experience these Benefits!